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Lake Elmo Pet Care Services (Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, Boarding)

Lake Elmo is a small rural community just outside of St. Paul, Minnesota. It is a smaller town with a lot of rustic, rural charm, and a lot of happy and busy pet owners and dog lovers.

Pet Lovers in Lake Elmo, Listen Up! Professional Pet Care is Here

For anyone with a dog or cat in Lake Elmo, Minnesota, let me introduce you to Christine’s Professional Pet Care. Christine operates a premium pet care service dedicated to serving the communities in the Eastern and Southern St. Paul, Minnesota area.

Lake Elmo Minnesota Pet Care Services

This includes other locations as well as Lake Elmo:

What Types of Pet Care Services are Offered?

For the homeowners and pet owners of Lake Elmo, Christine’s pet care service offerings include (but are not limited to): Pet sitting, dog walking, hiking, as well as dog boarding.

Different situations call for different levels of service, and that is exactly the type of flexibility you’d want from anyone tasked with taking care of your loved pets.

Let’s take a minute to discuss the range of options available:

Pet Sitting Services Minnesota

For folks who have to travel away from lovely Lake Elmo, you may be the proud owner of a pet who is quite attached to their home base. Many pets may not be comfortable going to a different location to board, so pet sitting remains the ideal option.

With pet sitting in Lake Elmo, it’s the perfect pairing with Christine’s Professional Pet Care, especially given situations where a sleeping buddy is not needed. Travel to and from Lake Elmo is a snap when coming from neighboring Cottage Grove.

If you need frequent attention for your pets, or just an occasional drop in for the more independent feline friends, the flexibility offered by this pet sitter near you is a tremendous advantage.

Keep in mind that there isn’t any additional charge if you have multiple pets – Just another advantage to Christine’s pet sitting service for all of you fantastic folks in Lake Elmo, MN.

Dog Walking Service, Lake Elmo

Has work got you staying well into the wee hours of the night? Or are you just too exhausted to take the dog for a walk when you get home?

This is happening more and more as our jobs become more encompassing and time consuming. It’s not all bad thought, right?

Well, in the case where you aren’t getting to enjoy precious walking or hiking time with your pooch, Christine’s in Lake Elmo is a great dog walking companion.

Dog walking helps to fulfill all sorts of physical and psychological needs for your pet. If you boil it down to what’s actually happening on a dog walk, you’ll try to take them out daily. Read the full scoop on dog walking here.

Benefits of taking your dog for a walk:

Essentially, a walked dog is a happy and healthy dog!

Dog walking is available for a large portion of the day, so it can hopefully be worked into your schedule. Let’s make your pup/dog happy and healthy! Every step counts!

How Dog Boarding can be a Life Saver…

Your dog is probably pretty used to be home, even if you’re not there. That’s the usual situation when it comes to a common pet sitting job in Lake Elmo, MN.

However, if your dog is a happy free spirit and doesn’t seem to have an issue staying at other people’s homes, then dog boarding could be just the thing for you if you have to leave town for a day, or several days at a time.

Once more this touches on the busy lives of working folks these days. Sometimes duty calls and you may have to leave town, or perhaps there is some emergency situation that requires your attention.

You don’t always have adequate time to plan for all contingencies like ‘what to do with your pets’.

Dog Boarding is the answer! When you have to leave, but don’t know what to do about your dogs and cats, consider boarding! Christine’s dog boarding will follow your specific daily routines and keep to your schedule. In the cozy home of a professional dog sitter, you can feel at ease that your patterns are being followed when boarded at Christine’s home in Cottage Grove, MN.

Just a short drive away, and all things taken care of, Lake Elmo dog boarding is taken to a whole new level of professionalism and customization with Christine’s Professional Pet Care in Minnesota!

Bonus Pet Care Services: Hiking & Park Excursions

Though your dog walking efforts may be great, you may sometimes want to send out your furry lovely for something a little more dramatic.

Dog hiking excursions are an amazing way to push through to the next level of physical activity for your dog. Christine has many local hot spots for long, consistent and safe hiking excursions that are great for your dog.

In Lake Elmo specifically, there is many smaller communities, as well as tons of hiking trails that are perfect for these excursions.

Just like the days when grandma would take the kids out for the day and bring them back sleeping – You’ll wonder how Christine works her magic with your pets.

The answer is simple! An undying love of pets and animals, and an insatiable appetite for spending time outdoors, enjoying life in the moment!

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